Wednesday, 15 February 2012


Created 27th January.
Hook is one of my childhood favourites and as I'm creating a pirate look for my make-up project this term I decided to re-watch it for inspiration (and to re-live my childhood).
It took me a while to decide on the designs for each nail. I've made it a pirates vs lost boys theme with pirates on my left hand and lost boys on my right.
On my left hand I have Hook's hook (I wanted to write the film's title above it as well but thought it would look a little too busy so I decided to just add a shine to the hook). Then I have the pocket watch Peter gave to his son before he was kidnapped by Hook. I wanted to put Hook on my nails without having to draw his whole face so I just drew his moustache and eyebrows as they really define his face. Then there's Hook's red coat and buttons. On the last nail I drew a crocodile print, Hook's worst enemy.
On my right hand I have a baseball, which is a big storyline between Peter and his son. It's also what gives Peter his happy thought and makes him fly again. Rufio is my favourite character so I had to include him somehow, I've drawn his black and red stripes and his name. I had to add Tinkerbell in there so I drew a golden silhouette with glitter fairy dust trailing behind her. The food fight is one of my favourite scenes so I wanted to get some bright colours in there, then I had to put the 'bangorang' over the top.  The last nail is a silhouette of the lost boy's tree house with the sunset behind.
I really enjoy doing film nails and would like to do them more often because it's not something that other people do a lot. They can also be far more personal and original than just choosing a theme.
Also a little shout out to my lovely kitty Bubbles who was 2 on the 27th!

 She likes to sit on my lap when I'm doing my nails.

Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Lego people

Created 12th January.
Always loved Lego as a kid, especially the little people because you can swap their heads and legs round. Recently returned to my obsession when I discovered the collectable Lego Miniatures. I've now collected quite a few (with only a couple of doubles which I'm surprised about), so I decided to put the ones I have so far on my nails.
I only have eight different mini's so far so I decided to put the 'Lego' logo on my thumb nail. For the rest there's a detective, a lego man in a dinosaur costume, a snowboarder and a gladiator on my left hand. Then on my right hand I have a clown (my favourite and I was so happy when I finally got him), an eskimo, a boxer with a bruised face, a female zookeeper and her monkey.
The new series of collectable Lego mini's is out now so it looks like I have a whole load more to add to my collection. Can't wait!

Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!

Created 6th January.
Back at uni with a new group project which I'm equally excited and nervous about. The project title is 'In the Hall of the Pirate Council'. Can't wait to come up with some great fun pirate make up and prosthetic ideas!
To keep with this theme (and to impress my tutor with my enthusiasm for the project) I decided this would be a perfect time to do pirate themed nails. I've always wanted to do a treasure map on my nails since I saw The Daily Nail's amazing 'X Marks the Spot' nails,, so I took that as influence and created my own treasure map design.
For the other hand I decided to do a variety of objects relating to pirates; a pirate flag, a telescope, a pirate himself with a gold earring, eye patch and head scarf, a glittering treasure chest and a bottle of grog.
My tutor was very impressed with the treasure map nails and even gave me ideas toward the project and how I can use a treasure map in the designs. Can't wait to get started with it all now!
One of my favourite lame jokes:
Why are pirates pirates?
Because they arrrrrrrrggghhh!!