Monday 28 January 2013

Bubbles is 3!

It was my gorgeous kitty Bubbles' birthday on Sunday 27th January so I decided I'd dedicate my nails to her this week. Can't believe I've had her for almost 3 years now. Remember when I got her as a 9 week old kitten and she'd jump around my room like a lunatic. Three years on and she's still just as crazy as ever, only difference is I can't pick her up with one hand anymore or let her sleep on my chest.
So for these nails I wanted to make them specifically about her and what she likes. From left to right I have her name surrounded by little blue bubbles on a glittery base, a balloon with a '3' on it and her paw reaching for it, her little face and red collar (even including her little white mark she has on her bottom lip), her sitting on a wall, paw prints. Then on my right hand a 'Meow' with little paw prints, a fish (her favourite food), her kitty bum and tail, a ball of yarn and her paw reaching for a mouse (she's caught many a small creature in her time, inside and outside the house).

This is a pic of her as a teeny fuzzy kitten when she was 10 weeks old:

And here she is now chilling out on my bed after a big day of birthday fun and treats:

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